February in Sudentorre Greetings! Now that the sun is starting to return, activity is picking up here in your Canton of Sudentorre… Defending… Continue reading “February in Sudentorre”…
December News Good evening, Canton! December is a slower month for us here, but there are still happenings. Practices – Rapier practice… Continue reading “December News”…
Rapier Practice this Week Hello Good People of the Barony, Tuesdays rapier practice in Fredericksburg will be held at Master Bumi’s Battle Barn while… Continue reading “Rapier Practice this Week”…
Upcoming Demos We have several opportunities to participate in public demonstrations this fall. Please come out and join us! Dogmart We will… Continue reading “Upcoming Demos”…
Updates on Practices and Meetings for Fall 2024 Rapier Now that school is back in session, the rapier practice held in Fredericksburg will be moving back to the… Continue reading “Updates on Practices and Meetings for Fall 2024”…
Notes from the Business Meeting, September 17th Officer Reports New Business Continue reading “Notes from the Business Meeting, September 17th”…
Business Meeting Tonight Canton of Sudentorre Business Meeting Tonight – Tuesday, Sep 17 · 7–9 PM Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/mdr-yntv-pqn Please note… Continue reading “Business Meeting Tonight”…
Cancellations The Canton business meeting that was scheduled for July 16th is cancelled. The Seneschal has a conflict and we don’t… Continue reading “Cancellations”…
Dance for June is Cancelled I am canceling dance for Tuesday. I had wrist surgery on Thursday and I’m just not up to being out… Continue reading “Dance for June is Cancelled”…
Events in Sudentorre for June and July Good evening, Canton! Here is an overview of what is happening in your Canton this summer… Please take note that… Continue reading “Events in Sudentorre for June and July”…