December News
Good evening, Canton!
December is a slower month for us here, but there are still happenings.
– Rapier practice will occur at the University of Mary Washington this week, and then when the university closes for winter break, will move to Bumi’s Battle Barn. Please contact the Rapier Champion, Alysia de Olivieri for more information:
– There will be one Dance practice in December. We will meet on the 10th at 6pm at the Fredericksburg Library theater room.
– Stierbach Armored practice continues on Wednesdays, weather permitting
Business Meeting
We have a business meeting on December 17th at 7pm at the Fredericksburg Library. We are scheduled to vote on the revised Canton Financial Policy at the meeting – please review the attached policy prior to the meeting.
We aren’t hosting any events in December, but our neighbors in Storvik are hosting a Yule Revel on December 21st – more information:
Also, don’t forget 12th Night coming up in January!