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Welcome to the Canton of Sudentorre!

The Canton of Sudentorre is a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). The SCA is a non-profit, international, educational organization for the study and re-creation of life throughout history. We try to emulate these times as we feel they should have been.

Sudentorre is based in Virginia’s counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania, Stafford, and the City of Fredericksburg. The Canton is a part of the Barony of Stierbach in the Kingdom of Atlantia.

Members of the Canton participate in a wide variety of activities such as archery, fencing, combat, music, dance, cooking and all manner of fabric arts. Our events include tournaments, competitions, performances, classes, feasts, children’s activities, and court.

You do not need to be an SCA member to attend our activities or events, although membership is recommended once you get your bearings.

How to Find Us

You are welcome to come to one of our practices, activities or events! Information about our activities is always posted here on the website. You can also connect with us online in our Facebook Group, in the Atlantia Discord Server, and through our Google Group email list. (To join the Google Group, sign into and then search for “Sudentorre News” and ask to join.)

If you want to get in touch, you can also use the emails for the officers.

Regular Meetings and Practices

Updates on these practices will be shared to the various groups and posted to the homepage of this site.

Every week we have both armored and rapier combat practice. Armored practice is on Wednesdays and Rapier on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Renaissance dance practice generally happens on the 2nd OR 4th Tuesday of the month, depending on the availability of the space.

We also have a monthly business meeting to plan events and activities on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. We usually meet in person at the Fredericksburg Library, but we also have a video call link available: