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For more information, please get in touch, or take a look at these other sites. All links open in a new tab.

External links are not sponsored by the Canton of Sudentorre, which takes no responsibility for their content

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA):

SCA Newcomers PageFind your local group
SCA MembershipSCA Marketplace
SCA Waiver FormsSCA Publications
SCA LibrarySCA Insurance Info
SCA OfficersSCA Officers Policies
Customs & HistorySCA Heraldry
SCA Events History Research Resources

The Kingdom of Atlantia:

Atlantia CalendarTheir Royal Majesties
Atlantia Earl Marshal
(overseer of martial activities)
The Acorn (newsletter)

The Barony of Stierbach:

Stierbach CalendarThe Bull (newsletter)
Their Excellencies (information on the Baron and Baroness)

Other Resources:

Stefan’s Florilegium
(archive of many topics)
A Beginner’s Guide to the SCA